Ieteikumi tiks parādīti pēc informācijas ievadīšanas meklēšanas logā. Izmantojiet augšupvērsto un lejupvērsto bultiņu, lai pārskatītu. Izmantojiet taustiņu Enter, lai izvēlētos. Ja tiek izvēlēta frāze, meklēšana tiks veikta pēc šīs frāzes. Ja ieteikums ir saite, pārlūkprogramma atvērs šo lapu.
Viesis vai dalībnieks

Cik tālā nākotnē var veikt rezervācijas

Whether you’ve found the perfect place to stay or simply want to get a jump start on planning your trip, booking a reservation in advance can help give you peace of mind or spread the cost over time.

How many years ahead you can book

You can book an Airbnb reservation up to 2 years in advance on desktop, mobile browser, or in the Airbnb app.

Keep in mind: If you need a flexible cancellation policy, be sure to check the listing’s cancellation policy before booking.

If your dates aren’t available

There are several reasons your dates may not be available—the Host hasn’t opened up their calendar that far out, they already have a booking, they have a minimum night requirement, or their place isn’t available then.

If you’re set on the Host’s place:

  • Try adjusting your dates if you have flexibility
    • Tip: If the Host’s place isn’t available for your full trip, you may be able to book a split stay to spend part of your trip at their place
  • Message the Host and ask if they have availability for your dates
    • Tip: Hosts may be willing to open up their calendar for your dates, so let them know what it is you love about their place and why you’re traveling

Pay for your trip over time

Booking in advance has its perks. You may be able to pay for a trip over a number of weeks or months—giving you greater flexibility on how and when you want to pay. Learn more about how payment plans work.

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Saņemiet palīdzību saistībā ar rezervācijām, kontu un citiem jautājumiem.
Pieteikties vai reģistrēties