Ieteikumi tiks parādīti pēc informācijas ievadīšanas meklēšanas logā. Izmantojiet augšupvērsto un lejupvērsto bultiņu, lai pārskatītu. Izmantojiet taustiņu Enter, lai izvēlētos. Ja tiek izvēlēta frāze, meklēšana tiks veikta pēc šīs frāzes. Ja ieteikums ir saite, pārlūkprogramma atvērs šo lapu.
Viesis vai dalībnieks

Dalībnieku uzaicināšana uz privātu piedzīvojumu

When you get together with your group of friends, family, teammates, or colleagues for a private experience, you want to make sure everyone has the information they need in order to have a great time.

If you book an experience, you can send all the additional guests an invitation link that will prompt them to click or tap Claim Your Seat. Once they do, they’ll have all the benefits of being added to the reservation.

One important thing: The people you invite must have an Airbnb account in order to use the Claim Your Seat feature.

Sending an invite link to join a private experience

After you’ve completed your booking:

  1. Go to Trips and find your experience under the Upcoming tab
  2. Click or tap More details
  3. Scroll down to Copy invite link
  4. Send the link to people in your group

Once they click or tap Claim Your Seat, your guests will get:

  • A confirmation email with their reservation details and a Zoom link to sign into the event. (Don’t worry! The email won’t display pricing information, that’s between you and the Host).
  • Access to a direct message thread with the Host, as well as a group message thread with the other attendees (including you as the booker).
  • The option to leave a review after the experience is over.

If you need to increase the group size (the more, the merrier!), you’ll always have the option to add more guests before the experience begins under Manage Reservation—depending on what your experience host can accommodate.

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Saņemiet palīdzību saistībā ar rezervācijām, kontu un citiem jautājumiem.
Pieteikties vai reģistrēties