Ieteikumi tiks parādīti pēc informācijas ievadīšanas meklēšanas logā. Izmantojiet augšupvērsto un lejupvērsto bultiņu, lai pārskatītu. Izmantojiet taustiņu Enter, lai izvēlētos. Ja tiek izvēlēta frāze, meklēšana tiks veikta pēc šīs frāzes. Ja ieteikums ir saite, pārlūkprogramma atvērs šo lapu.
Uzņemt viesus

Ko nozīmē norāde "gaida maksājumu"?

Awaiting payment means that a host has accepted a guest's reservation request, but the guest's payment hasn’t gone through yet. In most cases, this means the guest needs to update information related to their payment method.

When a reservation is awaiting payment:

  • The guest who made the reservation request will have 24 hours to successfully update their payment info before the reservation can be confirmed.
  • If the guest doesn’t update their payment method within 24 hours, the request to book will be withdrawn with no consequences to the host or guest.
  • Hosts no longer has the option to decline awaiting payment requests.
  • While the guest is updating their payment info after sending a request to book, dates will be blocked on the host’s calendar for up to 24 hours. This helps us prevent glitches such as a hosts getting multiple payments for requests from multiple guests for the same dates.
  • If the current guest doesn’t confirm their payment info, the request will be withdrawn and other guests will be able to send inquiries or requests for those dates.
Vai šis raksts bija noderīgs?

Saistītie raksti

Saņemiet palīdzību saistībā ar rezervācijām, kontu un citiem jautājumiem.
Pieteikties vai reģistrēties