Ieteikumi tiks parādīti pēc informācijas ievadīšanas meklēšanas logā. Izmantojiet augšupvērsto un lejupvērsto bultiņu, lai pārskatītu. Izmantojiet taustiņu Enter, lai izvēlētos. Ja tiek izvēlēta frāze, meklēšana tiks veikta pēc šīs frāzes. Ja ieteikums ir saite, pārlūkprogramma atvērs šo lapu.

Paziņojumu pārvaldība

You can choose what type of notifications you receive—and how you get them—in your Notifications. Options include: phone calls, texts, push notifications to your Airbnb app, or emails.

Types of notifications

  • Messages: Communication from Hosts or guests
  • Reminders and suggestions: Reservation reminders, helpful tips to improve your trip, and other messages related to your activities on Airbnb
  • Promotions and tips: Coupons, promotions, surveys, product updates, and inspiration from Airbnb and its partners
  • Policy and community: Updates on home-sharing laws and advocacy efforts in your community
  • Account support: Messages about your account, trips, legal updates, security and privacy info, and customer support requests

Turning off notifications

You can turn off most alerts in Notifications. You can also:

  • Text (SMS): Reply STOP. To start receiving them again, reply START
  • Emails: Click Unsubscribe in Promotions and tips or Policy and community email
  • Push: Go to your mobile or tablet settings and turn off push notifications for the Airbnb app
  • Phone: Ask the caller to remove you from the Airbnb call list

Important notifications that can’t be turned off

  • Reservations
  • Account activity
  • Legal updates
  • Security and privacy notices
  • Customer service requests

In some circumstances, like if we can’t reach you by email, we may need to contact you by phone or in some other way.

Airbnb's mailing address: 888 Brannan St., San Francisco, CA 94103

Vai šis raksts bija noderīgs?

Saistītie raksti

Saņemiet palīdzību saistībā ar rezervācijām, kontu un citiem jautājumiem.
Pieteikties vai reģistrēties